Equality, diversity & inclusion

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) are at the heart of everything we do.
We are committed to helping to create a more equal society which respects diversity and embeds inclusion.
As a social landlord we are particularly keen to raise awareness of the importance of inclusivity in housing. Having a comfortable home in a secure community is a basic human requirement that not only impacts on physical and emotional wellbeing but influences equality of opportunity in other aspects of life.
Equality and diversity are the responsibility of everyone in our organisation. This belief informs and shapes our business strategy, the values we uphold and the decisions and actions we take.
What we do
Our vision is to reinforce Trust as an active promoter of Equality and Diversity. We are committed to strengthening a reputation as a fully inclusive organisation whose policies and actions demonstrate this – from the way we shape and deliver customer services to recruitment and training, and how we engage with the diverse communities we serve.
Our EDI Policy
We comply with our legal obligations. But we do much more than just complying with legislation. Our EDI policy details the actions we take to enhance and sustain a culture and environment that allows every individual to flourish, and respects, values and rewards their needs and contributions.
The policy focuses on achieving positive outcomes for potential and existing customers as well as for employees, our partners and the wider community. We will continue to take direct positive action to address the needs of underrepresented communities that face barriers in accessing information, services and employment opportunities. We will do this in partnership and consultation with wider community groups, voluntary and public organisations.
Happy to Translate
Happy to Translate (HTT) is an awarding winning nationwide initiative - co-funded and managed by Trust - which helps organisations of all sizes to communicate with people who have little or no English so they can access information and services they need. HTT includes a toolkit, translated phrases, feedback forms and a mobile app. Our mobile app won ‘UK's Most Innovative EDI Initiative of the year’ at the 2017 National Centre for Diversity awards.
HTT helps organisations fill the communication gap between first contact with a customer who needs language support and involving an interpreter. HTT member organisations use the logo to publicly display their commitment to equality and inclusivity by overcoming language barriers. It lets their customers know that the organisation will provide language support if required, giving them the confidence to make contact.
You can read more about Happy to Translate here or at the HTT website.
Our accreditations
Trust are accredited as a Fair Work Employer by the Scottish Government.
Trust are one of the top 1% of organisations to achieve Investors in People 'Platinum' accreditation.
We are also a Disability Confident employer.
Gender Pay Gap
As part of the Equality Act 2010 Regulations 2016 any employer with 250 or more employees is required to publish statutory calculations each year, to highlight the differences in pay between their male and female employees. You can read our Gender Pay Gap statement here.

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